Weimin Zhang
Weimin Zhang is an award-winning filmmaker, cinematographer, and professor at San Francisco State University’s School of Cinema. Zhang has worked extensively in both China and the U.S. on a variety of award-winning films, documentaries, and TV series as a director, cinematographer, and editor. Her notable works include The House of Spirit (2000), which won the Women in Film Award, and Missing Home: The Last Days of Beijing Hutongs (2013), a feature documentary showcased at numerous international film festivals.
In 2008, Zhang directed the U.S. segment of the official Olympic documentary The Ever-Lasting Flame: Beijing 2008, which won the Grand Jury Prize at the Montreal Film Festival and is part of the permanent collection at The Olympic Museum in Switzerland. Her most recent film, Of Color and Ink (2023), took 12 years to complete and explores the life and global significance of Chinese artist Chang Dai-chien. The documentary has won multiple international awards, including at the São Paulo International Film Festival.
除此之外,偉民教授一直在探索藝術和前沿高新技術的結合,她創作的互動數位多媒體中英雙語作品“Nushu: The Secret Language of Women”“女書-神秘的女性文字”由中國大百科全書出版社出版, 並獲得2007年國際多媒體AVA獎並被美國國會圖書館Library of Congress納入永久收藏。 2018年,偉民教授運用VR虛擬實境技術結合三維設計及360實景拍攝創作了互動虛擬實境的多媒體作品Hutong in Live 「胡同再現」 讓觀眾親臨其境感受與體驗曾經消失的北京胡同與傳統文化。