Robin Wang
Zhongyu (Robin) Wang is a Student Academy Award winner and a two-time College Television Award - winning director, producer, and screenwriter. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English (Highest Distinction) from Duke University and an MFA degree in Film & Television Production from the University of Southern California.
As a director and producer, Robin has brought his works to over a hundred international film festivals worldwide, including many prominent Oscar-qualifiers such as LA Outfest, Cleveland, St. Louis, Urbanworld, deadCenter, and LA Shorts. He is especially known for directing the historical biopic short film, Neither Donkey Nor Horse, based on the life of the first Nobel Prize-nominated Chinese scientist, Dr. Wu Lien-teh. The film, sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, premiered at the 51st Telluride Film Festival, won the Student Academy Awards, and is currently longlisted for Best Live Action Short Film at the 97th Academy Awards.
Robin's other directorial works include the coming-of-age Asian American comedy Wei-Lai. The film won Best Comedy Series at the 42nd College Television Awards, Best Comedy of the Year at Newfilmmakers Los Angeles, and has been an official selection at Bentonville Film Festival, Newport Beach Film Festival, Hollyshorts, as well as a Finalist for KCET – Fine Cut and CAA Moebius. The film has received distributions on Kanopy, Viddsee, and Omeleto, where it currently garnered 290K views.
From 2023 to 2024, Robin helmed numerous higher-budget genre films and period pieces as the director. Notably, he co-directed the feature film Jack & Lou: A Gangster Love Story, starring Linda Hamilton from the Terminator Franchise. The film is set in 1920s Al Capone’s Chicago, with select scenes filmed on the Warner Brothers Studio Lot.
Robin was born in Xi'an, China but had spent most of his youth traversing the rich and intricate cultural landscapes of China, Singapore, and the United States. As a queer Chinese diaspora storyteller, Robin is recognized for his global Asian-themed dramas with a blend of bittersweet poignancy, twisted ethics, and heartfelt realities. As one who wanders on the margin of cultures, he wants to continue to explore the meaning of "home" and "homelessness" against the massive backdrop of cultural displacement and the Asian diaspora.
王中鈺,本科於杜克大學英語文學系取得學士最高榮譽,南加州大學電影學院碩士畢業,現居洛杉磯。作為學生奧斯卡獲獎導演,和兩次蟬聯學生艾美獎獲獎的青年導演,編劇,製片,王中缽的短片在海內外百餘個電影節入圍展映,包括HBO舉辦的都市國際電影節(Urbanworld Film Festival ),奧斯卡資格的LA Outfest, Cleveland, St. Louis, deadCenter, L.A. Shorts 等電影節,並多次報道於北美頂級娛樂雜誌《綜藝》和《Deadline》。
其總製片的作品《霧中的她》和《Backlog》,先後兩度獲得美國導演工會最佳學生導演大獎。其中,《霧中的她》入圍國際 A 類的塔林黑夜電影節,第58屆金馬獎最佳短片半決賽,並於 75屆戛納電影節美國角 (American Pavilion) 摘得最佳學生短片獎。 《Backlog》獲得美國電視藝術與科學學院頒發的第43屆學生艾美獎(College Television Awards)最佳劇情片獎,並於奧斯卡資格的克利夫蘭國際電影節(Cleveland International Film Festival)榮獲最佳學生短片。
其執導的南加州大學畢業短片《未來》,於第42屆學生艾美獎獲得最佳喜劇片獎,入圍南加州最大的新港灘電影節(Newport Beach Film Festival)等海內外影展四十餘個,並於美國公共電視PBS 全美首播。在國內,《未來》榮獲新片場 New Vision 影像展最佳導演獎和最佳人氣獎,入選新片場編輯精選和 2022 年度最佳劇情片盤點,並在海內外共有 45 萬的播放量。
從2023 – 2024 年,王中缽先後執導了由魔鬼終結者係列女主角琳達·漢密爾頓主演的黑幫年代戲長片《Jack & Lou: A Gangster Love Story》,和由阿爾弗萊德·斯隆(Alfred P . Sloan)基金會出品的晚清年代戲短片《非驢非馬》。 《非驢非馬》根據首位提名諾貝爾醫學獎的華裔科學家伍連德醫師的真實事蹟改編,於51屆特柳賴德電影節全球首映。該片作為唯一美國本土學校獲得51屆學生奧斯卡獎,並入圍97屆奧斯卡最佳真人短片長名單。