Chi Zhao
Chi has been devoting herself to developing the ecosystem of impact investment and philanthropy in Asia and beyond in the past decade. Currently, she is a Research Fellow at the Ash center at the Harvard Kennedy School, her current research interest focuses on the landscape and the best practice of philanthropy and impact investment. Chi is also an independent board director at Nasdaq-Listed Public Company. Prior to Harvard, Chi was an international journalist at China Global TV Network (CGTN), a business partnership specialist at APEC, and an independent multilateral stakeholder management consultant for AIIB. Chi had a MPA degree from Harvard Kennedy School as a Mason Scholar in 2023. Chi also holds a BA in journalism and MA in Communication studies.
趙遲為哈佛大學甘迺迪學院阿什民主治理與創新中心的研究學者,研究興趣涵蓋影響力投資與中美慈善產業比較研究,同時也擔任美國納斯達克上市公司獨立董事。趙遲曾先後任職於亞洲基礎建設投資銀行(AIIB)擔任投資者關係顧問,亞太經合組織(APEC)中國工商理事會(北京)擔任合作發展主任,中國國際電視台(CGTN)北京記者。 2018-2021年間她作為發起人和創始秘書長聯合36個慈善家聯合發起了「中華慈善家聯盟」(民政部註冊),致力於促進中國慈善行業的生態建設,透過社會倡導,公益慈善和影響力投資促進社會第三次分配的高效發展。