Anna Chi
Anna Chi is a filmmaker with memberships in major Hollywood guilds. She holds an MFA degree from UCLA and has worked as a writer, director, and producer across the U.S. and China. Her recent film "The Disappearance of Mrs. Wu" won best director award in Universe Multicultural Film Festival.
Anna has written screenplays for DreamWorks, Miramax, and other prominent companies, often focusing on Asian-American stories. She's also produced international co-productions, including the Sundance-winning film "Burden." She also teaches screenwriting at ArtCenter College of Design and Shanghai Film Art Academy, bridging Hollywood and Chinese cinema through her diverse body of work.
本科畢業於中山大學。留美就讀加州大學洛杉磯分校電影學院,並獲得導演碩士學位。 身為作家,遲少艾為夢工廠,米拉麥克斯影業、LionrockEntertainment(吳宇森公司)、台灣Z00mhunt Entertainment(徐立功公司)、徐楓在香港的湯臣公司、中國榮信達等公司撰寫劇本。目前正在為Hallmark撰寫一個新的喜劇長片,內容還是圍繞著美籍華裔展開,堅持她創作的初衷:為華人寫華 人故事。
作為導演,她執導了《失明》《點心葬禮》《蟬夏》《驚奇《游泳》等多部獲獎獨立電影。 遲少艾的最新長片《吳太島》(太逃跑案》在院線上映,現已登陸多個平台。也是2021年Geena Davis 的本頓維爾電影節開幕之夜電影,此片還讓遲少艾獲得了2022年環球多元文化電影節的最佳導演獎及2023年休士頓國際電影節最佳長片獎。
遲少艾曾在中國和好萊塢聯合投資和聯合製作項目中擔任製片人,包括由 Forest Whitaker 和 Garrett Hedlund 主演的圣丹斯獲獎電影《負擔》以及IMAX的大型紀錄片《小行星獵人》。 除了拍片以外,迟少艾还是ArtCenter College of Design 的客座教授,專門讲電影劇本寫作。2018 到2023,她还以客座教授身份受邀與上海影視藝術學院,開辦編劇與製作工作坊。